Causes of Hip Flexor Pain

Hip flexor pain is usually experienced in the hip or groin area and can become very painful when performing certain movements, like kicking, turning at high speeds, or raising the knee towards the chest.

The underlying causes of hip flexor pain are as follows:

1. Hip flexor strain.

Hip flexor strain arises due to the damage caused to a muscle or tendon when stretched extensive. Normally, a hip flexor strain ensues when a person makes a quick movement, for example, quickly changing direction while running. Muscle strains are categorized based on the severity of the pain, loss of motion and weakness in the affected part.

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2. Hip flexor tendinopathy.

Hip flexor tendinopathy causes pain and sensitivity in the front of your hip. Tendons are the fibrous structures that join muscles to bones. Hip flexor tendinopathy which comprises of both tendonitis and tendinosis could be caused by a severe injury sustained from a fall or car accident, or by overuse, like running, gymnastics, or soccer. Furthermore, hip flexor tendinopathy can arise due to old age and the fact that the tendons physically lose elasticity.

3. Iliopsoas bursitis.

Iliopsoas bursitis arises when a hip’s iliopsoas bursa gets swollen. The iliopsoas bursa is a small, fluid-filled sac found between the front of the hip joint and the iliopsoas muscle. This injury is frequently seen in high-impact sports, like soccer, skiing, or ballet. Iliopsoas bursitis can as well be caused by arthritis.

Unlock Your Hip Flexors

4. Hip impingement.

Generally, in active adults, hip impingement is caused by irregular bone growth. Hip impingement may cause someone to frequently experience hip pain in the groin area, leading to a reduction in the hip’s range of motion. There are 3 various types of hip impingement; cam, pincer, and combined. The type of hip impingement is usually ascertained by the position of irregular bone growth.

5. Hip labral tear.

The hip labrum is a ring of tough, flexible cartilage that rims the outer edge of the hip socket and permits large range of motion. When the hip labrum is damaged, it may cause front hip or groin pain that is frequently explained as a deep, dull, ache. Pain from a labral tear can develop slowly over time or unexpectedly. Labral tears are usually observed in people who play sports that include running, kicking, or rotating.

6. Osteoarthritis.

Hip osteoarthritis is a general form of arthritis that arises when the protective cartilage in the hip joint wears down due to age. This cartilage usually decreases friction between the hip’s ball and socket throughout joint movement. Osteoarthritis may cause hip sensitivity and inflexibility.

7. Overuse.

Hip flexor pain can develop with no apparent underlying conditions or injuries. In a situation like this, the main cause of hip flexor pain could possibly be overuse. People who regularly play sports that involve running, kicking, or rotating, like football, may suffer pain from overuse.

8. Pelvic obliquity.

Medical experts use the term pelvic obliquity to mean a pelvis that is misaligned or slanted forward. Pelvic obliquity is related with childbirth in women, long periods of sitting down, lack of stretching, and poor posture. Pelvic obliquity may cause muscles in the hip or groin area to feel very stiff.

9. Avascular necrosis.

Hip flexor pain is seldom caused by avascular necrosis. Avascular necrosis is a condition that arises when blood supply to the bone is notably decreased or totally cut off. Hip pain from avascular necrosis is frequently experienced in the center of the groin, thigh or buttocks and may grow slowly.

Avascular necrosis is mainly caused by pain to the joint, like a fracture or dislocation, but could as well be from too much steroid or alcohol intake.

A few persons could have more than one condition or injury that adds to their hip flexor pain. For instance, someone could possibly have both hip osteoarthritis and hip impingement.

Only a health care specialist can precisely diagnose the cause of hip flexor pain. People who suffer severe hip flexor pain, pain th atdisturbs their sleep or daily activities, or pain that persists more than 14 days are advised to seek a health care professional.


Hip pain flexor pain can have causes that are not as a result of an underlying disease, for instance, trauma, lying on a side for a long period of time, overuse, muscle inflexibility, sitting in an awkward position, strains etc. If you seek an effective way to relieve hip flexor pain, discover how to Unlock Your Hip Flexors.

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